There’s never been a better time like the present to set intentions for your business for the coming year. With so many people now working from home, optimizing productivity has never been more important. If you haven’t taken action to set yourself up for improved work performance in 2021, now’s your chance. Here are the top new year’s resolutions for increased productivity for businesses.
File Management
When was the last time you cleaned up the files on your computer? Years of file content stored on your computer will slow it down, and, subsequently, slow down your work productivity. But instead of spending countless hours sifting through every single file you’ve ever created, clear your desktop and backup your files using Google Stream. Drive File Stream streams your files directly from the cloud, freeing up disc space and network bandwidth. Any changes you or your collaborators make to your files will be automatically updated everywhere. You can also make Google Drive files available for offline access.
Delete Unused Apps from Your Phone
Even your smartphone needs to be organized to avoid distractions and optimize productivity. One way you can improve your productivity this year is to delete any unused apps on your phone that are just wasting space. Only keep apps mandatory to your business and recreational apps you actually use. To even further boost your productivity, use the Screen Time feature on your phone to restrict the use of recreational apps, such as social media apps, that are common distractions during the work day.
Organize Your Bookmarks
Bookmarks are meant to help us keep track of frequently used URLs or content we want to read at a later time, but you’ve likely accumulated a long list that has become a hassle to locate the URL you need. Organize your bookmarks by creating separate folders, and remove any bookmarks you no longer use.
Email Inbox Management
Opening your inbox at 8am doesn’t have to be a cringeworthy experience. If your inbox has gotten out of control, let 2021 be the year you become an email-organized pro. An organized inbox will save you valuable time and negate the hassle of trying to navigate a disorganized inbox. The Focused Filter tool available on the Kiwi 2.0 and 3.0 apps for Gmail and G Suite are the perfect solution to clean up a disorganized inbox. The Focused Filter tool allows you to filter through your emails in two ways. First, filter through your emails based on the date sent, then filter through based on importance, categorized by Google AI, Unread, Attachments, and Starred.
How to Increase Your Productivity in 2021
Increasing your productivity isn’t about working harder, it’s about working smarter. The Kiwi for Gmail 3.0 and Kiwi for G Suite 3.0 (Google Workspace) will help you get organized and maximize your productivity. We guarantee you’ll save at least one hour of your work day with Kiwi. Check out our Pricing page to get a full detailed description of each platform, so you can choose the Kiwi app that’s right for you. If you’d prefer to try Kiwi before you take the plunge, our Basic plan is available for free.